Berlin, 30 January 2020 - The consumption of television and radio programming as well as other audiovisual media remains by far the most popular activity: Germans (aged 14 years and over) spent about 9 hours and 3 minutes per day consuming audiovisual media last year (2018: 9 hours and 4 minutes). This is the result of the VAUNET Media Usage Analysis 2019, published today by VAUNET - Association of Private Media on the basis of third-party sources.
Hans Demmel, Chairman of the Board at VAUNET: “Audiovisual media services remain by far the most popular media in Germany. This importance of course comes with commitments for these media companies who offer content with particular relevance for society. This content makes an important contribution to information and to the opinion-making of the population. In doing so, private media with their public value offerings reach millions each day, including the young people.”
Frank Giersberg, Managing Director of VAUNET: “Every day, Germans spend more than seven hours watching television and listening to the radio. Added to this is the usage of audio and video content on the internet, which continues to grow and already accounts for three quarters of all online media usage. In the coming years, we expect further growth in this area and an even greater significance of the audiovisual media sector.”
The daily video usage of Germans aged 14 and over amounted to 5 hours and 10 minutes in 2019 (previous year: 5 hours and 12 minutes). Among which Germans spent 3 hours and 47 minutes a day watching television (previous year: 3 hours and 54 minutes) (1).
The average daily audio usage over the same period, amounted to 3 hours and 53 minutes in total (previous year: 3 hours and 52 minutes). Among which 3 hours and 17 minutes were spent listening to the radio on weekdays (previous year: 3 hours and 12 minutes) (2).
Internet media offerings were used for an average of 1 hour and 41 minutes in 2019 (previous year: 1 hour and 37 minutes). Of these, 76 minutes (previous year: 71 minutes) were spent on online video and music streaming/MP3. Other forms of audiovisual media usage, such as cinema, video games, DVDs/Blu-ray and CDs, amounted to 43 minutes (previous year: 47 minutes) of daily usage (3). The basis here is the 14 to 69 age group in Germany.
Radio was the most frequently used medium during the average course of the day from the morning until the early evening hours, and in the evening from around 6 p.m. television is the most frequently used medium with the highest reach. Internet usage remained relatively stable throughout the entire day (4).
In 2019, 91.5 percent (previous year: 92.2 percent) of the total population aged 3 and older watched television on a regular basis (1), 93.8 percent (previous year: 93.8 percent) of adults aged 14 years and older listened to the radio regulary (2) and 82.7 percent (previous year: 81.2 percent) of persons aged 16 years and older made regular use of the internet (5). The respective daily reach amounted to 67.2 percent for television, 76.5 percent for radio and 47.0 percent for the internet.
(1) Video Research Working Group (AGF) in cooperation with GfK
(2) Media Analysis Working Group ( – ma 2019 Audio II
(3) SevenOne Media / forsa – Media Activity Guide 2019
(4) VuMA Touchpoints 2020
(5) Online Research Working Group (agof), daily digital facts, January-December 2019, unique users in per cent, population aged 16 and over
Publication „Mediennutzung in Deutschland 2019“(German language)
About our methods:
VAUNET´s Media Usage Analysis is based on ongoing evaluation of third-party sources, including data provided by the Working Group for Media Analysis (, the Consumption and Media Analysis (VuMA), the Working Group for Video Research (AGF), the Working Group for Online Media Research (agof) and the Media Activity Guide (MAG) published by SevenOne Media and forsa. Cross-media information on the duration of daily media usage is gathered from various sources so that, due to methodological differences, the total figures in particular should be regarded merely as approximate values. The comparative data relating to daily media consumption in the various categories results from figures provided by in the case of radio usage (listeners aged 14 and over, workday), by AGF Video Research for TV usage (viewers aged 14 and over) and by the MAG published by SevenOne Media and forsa on the usage of other media (users between 14 and 69 years). In the case of television and radio, data relating to the entire reach is based on the widest audiences of viewers and listeners and relate to a period of two and four weeks respectively.
Further VAUNET publications:
VAUNET monitors market developments in Germany´s audio and audiovisual media industry based on regular surveys and publications. In 2020, the Association will once again be presenting its spring forecast for the advertising market (May 2020) based on the advertising statistics for 2019, as well as outlining developments on the pay-TV market with its pay-TV statistics in the summer (July 2020) and publishing its revenue forecast for audio and audiovisual media in the autumn (October 2020).