Positive development of audio-visual advertising in 2019, serious impact on the advertising market by Corona in 2020

Berlin, 4 June 2020 - The relevance of audio and audio-visual media as advertising media has continued to increase in the past year. This can be seen from the advertising statistics of the German Advertising Federation (ZAW), which is based, among other things, on surveys by the industry association VAUNET Verband Privater Medien e. V. and was published today in Berlin.

According to these statistics, a total of 6.02 billion euros were invested in audio and audio-visual advertising in 2019. Compared to the previous year, this represents a growth of 0.9 percent. The advertising market share of the audio and audio-visual media thus rose to 24.1 percent (2018: 23.9 percent). The association has released the publication „Audio-visual Advertising in Germany 2019“ on the development of the individual segments. However, the development in 2020 is marked by such great uncertainty due to the corona crisis that VAUNET does not yet give a forecast for this year.

Hans Demmel, Board Chairman of VAUNET: „The corona crisis has serious economic consequences for the audio-visual media industry. While the relevance of private radio and TV programmes has become impressively visible in the crisis and usage continues to increase, companies are under enormous pressure in their advertising funding. If we want to overcome this crisis without loss of diversity, we need an effective package of measures to stabilize the private media in the Corona crisis„.

Frank Giersberg, Managing Director VAUNET: „The performance of audio and audio-visual advertising is impressive and has even increased during the crisis. We are therefore convinced that investments in radio and TV advertising in particular can make a decisive contribution to the revival of the German economy and recommend that this be promoted in Germany, following the example of other European countries, with tax incentives for advertising investments“.


In 2019, net moving image revenues rose by 0.8 per cent to a total of 5.18 billion euros (2018: 5.14 billion euros). However, the net advertising revenues of television fell slightly by 3.0 per cent to 4.40 billion euros (2018: 4.54 billion euros), but in a cross-media comparison it was still the largest single segment of the advertising media covered by the ZAW. Net advertising revenues generated from in-stream video advertising rose by 30.0 percent to EUR 780 million (2018: EUR 600 million). Moving image advertising thus achieved a total share of 20.7 percent of the 2019 advertising market (2018: 20.6 percent).


Audio net advertising revenues grew by 1.2 percent to 844 million euros in 2019 (2018: 834 million euros). Radio net advertising revenues declined slightly by -0.7 percent to €784 million (2018: €789 million). Net advertising revenues from in-stream audio advertising rose by 33.3 percent to €60 million (2018: €45 million), making in-stream audio advertising the segment with the highest percentage growth rate of all advertising media covered by the ZAW. Overall, audio advertising achieved an advertising market share of 3.4 percent last year (2018: 3.3 percent).



Download of the VAUNET spring forecast:

Audio-visual advertising in Germany 2019 (in German)

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