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„Frequencies for a creative & inclusive Europe“ (Wider Spectrum Group)

European growth, innovation, inclusiveness and sustainable employment in the fields of audiovisual, radio, live performances, programme-making and special events depend on the access to radio spectrum frequencies, and more specifically to the 470-694 MHz band.

Rules concerning spectrum use are shaped internationally, through ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), and will be discussed next year at the WRC-23. In this framework, the EU needs to form its position for WRC-23, including on the future use of the 470-694 MHz band, which will be defended by the EU Member States during the Conference.

With this event, the Wider Spectrum Group aims to create a platform for discussion about the EU’s objectives for WRC-23, industry’s suggestions for the content of the EU position for WRC-23 and the impact of the decisions taken by WRC-23 on the EU audiovisual, radio, live performance and content creation sectors – and ultimately on EU citizens.

„Frequencies for a creative & inclusive Europe: EU’s way towards WRC-23“

When: Tuesday, 17 October 2022; 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.;
Where: Brussels & online


  • 08:20 – 08:40: Registration and breakfast buffet
  • 08:45 – 08:55: Keynote speech: MEP (tbc)
  • 08:55 – 09:05: Keynote speech Kyriakos Baxevanidis, Acting Head of Unit Radio Spectrum Policy, DG CNECT
  • 09:05 – 09:55: Panel discussion with:

Corinna Drumm, Managing Director of the Austrian Association of Commercial Broadcasters (VÖP) and AER Vice-President

Tom Bonte, General Manager of AB / Ancienne Belgique

Representative of UNI – MEI

Representative of the European Commission (tbc)

  • 09:55 – 10:00: Concluding remarks


Please click here to register for the event.

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